Climate change and technology will change the diet and our habits. In 2050, the world's population will exceed 8 billion people, and one of the inevitable questions to ask is how we are going to feed so many people when we reach the middle of the 21st century. According to, scientists, there is one ecological variable that will be decisive in providing an answer: climate change. "The countries where the population is going to grow the most are going to notice the effects of global warming. On the other hand, in countries like Spain, with a great variety of landscapes that result in a very varied diet, it will be very noticeable," says Serra. Argentina's glaciers are regulated by a law that protects them from disappearance. The reality, however, shows that the country's ice giants are seeing years go by without any measures being taken for their conservation in the face of the advance of climate change and aggressive mining activity. In 2050 we will also "grow" fish. Studies show that the first transgenic salmon has already been created: a U.S. company has just secured $3.5 million to develop salmon meat -- and indeed any other edible animal -- from plant cells. In 30 years we will eat mostly food whose production will depend neither on the land nor on the sun. That is why food security and knowing the origin of what we eat will be more important than ever, and here the blockchain adapted to food production will be crucial. In this sense, scientists believe that the concept of quality that we now have of certain products, depending on their geographical origin or their method of production. The scientists also believe that this will be one of the trends of the future, but in their opinion it will coexist with the other absolutely opposite, that of quality, sustainable and local products, not that it is a reaction. Anthropologists point out that "we have to see what acceptance these laboratory foods have".