Agricultural productivity is essential for our food and economic livelihoods and has a considerable impact on the planet, both negative and positive. Many are aware that agriculture is one of the factors causing climate change but it is also one of the activities most affected by this phenomenon. In fact, did you know that it absorbs approximately 26% of the total damage and losses caused by climate-related natural disasters? In spite of this, the improvement of farm work continues to be delayed in several countries; no measures are being taken to ensure that agricultural work is sustainable, that natural resources are not exploited and that harvests reach the entire world population. There is an urgent need to have a sustainable vision for the agriculture of the future, and to create strategies that favour its progress and help eradicate hunger in the world. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) states that there are ten major challenges on the road to the agriculture of the future.

10 challenges towards the agriculture of the future

Improve agricultural productivity in a sustainable way to meet the growing demand for food. Ensure a sustainable natural resource base. Addressing climate change and the intensification of natural hazards Eradicate extreme poverty and reduce inequalities, especially in rural areas Ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition Making food systems more effective, inclusive and resilient Improve income generation opportunities in rural areas and address the root causes of migration Building resilience to conflict, disasters and protracted crises. Preventing emerging and transboundary threats to agriculture and food systems Addressing the need for coherent and effective governance at national and international levels One way we can overcome these challenges is to invest in technology systems. Connectivity, smart irrigation systems, analysis tools and data visualization are the new tools that are revolutionizing the work of farmers, leading them towards sustainability.